
In the coming era, it will become even more essential to “be global” and “make business more efficient with the power of digital technology”.
At mision, our slogan is “be global, be technical“, and as we support our clients’ globalization and digitalization, we also believe that we must always strive to realize our own “be global, be technical”.

With sincerity and a forward-looking approach, we aim to be a mision that truly serves your needs. Thank you.

ー ご挨拶 ー


misionは「be global, be technical」をスローガンとし、お客様のグローバル化・デジタル化のご支援をさせていただく中で、自らも常に邁進し「be global, be technical」の実現を図っていくことを信念としています。



・韓国事業者様に対する日本向けMEO対策サポート(Google business profileの設定等)
・Google Analytics等でのSEO対策